Saturday, October 31, 2009

yesterday was not such a good day

Well my diet didn't go so good yesterday. I started the day out good but blew it at supper. oh well back on the band wagon today. I have heard that even if you fall off the wagon (so to speak) you jump right back on the next day. So that is what I am going to do. One problem today is Halloween can I resist all the candy that my son will get? My plan is to sort the candy right away freeze what I can and take to work what can't be froze. I have gotten a demo of beach body work outs and I want to look into a couple of those to see if I can do them. Because of underlying problems with knees and back it is very difficult for me to get on the floor. I also need to add a new photo of me so that I have a before shot of me. Hope everyone has a very happy halloween! Be safe!

Friday, October 30, 2009


I am thinking on starting a new project in my life. The question is should I share this new project? If I share will it help me to stay on track and follow through? These questions and more coming up on Dana's Diet Disasters! (LOL)

Friday, September 4, 2009

long time

It has been a long time since I had done any posting, I thought I would do some catch up. My son turned 1 this summer and he is into everything. I am enrolled at CCC Hastings campus and am struggling through classes, one at a time since I do not have alot of time on my hands. Hope you had a great summer to anyone who reads this.

Thursday, January 22, 2009


I turned orange! WOO! HOO!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

thing 23

Well, finally made it! Let me tell you it was a learning experience one that I enjoyed. I admit some of the tasks I thought "Why?" but, I believe that all of the tasks will help me to do my job more proficiently. If I was asked to take on another project like this I would definitely sign up. Here is to all of us that took on the 23 things and conquered them! Dana :D

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Thing 22

Ok, I loved the podcasts on NYT. But, I could not find the RSS feed. I have searched for over a week on different sites. I found sites that I loved but again did not find the RSS feeds. So, I have decided that I would save NYT podcasts to my favorites and access it that way. Hope everyone else has better luck than me!