Thursday, January 22, 2009


I turned orange! WOO! HOO!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

thing 23

Well, finally made it! Let me tell you it was a learning experience one that I enjoyed. I admit some of the tasks I thought "Why?" but, I believe that all of the tasks will help me to do my job more proficiently. If I was asked to take on another project like this I would definitely sign up. Here is to all of us that took on the 23 things and conquered them! Dana :D

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Thing 22

Ok, I loved the podcasts on NYT. But, I could not find the RSS feed. I have searched for over a week on different sites. I found sites that I loved but again did not find the RSS feeds. So, I have decided that I would save NYT podcasts to my favorites and access it that way. Hope everyone else has better luck than me!