Saturday, October 31, 2009

yesterday was not such a good day

Well my diet didn't go so good yesterday. I started the day out good but blew it at supper. oh well back on the band wagon today. I have heard that even if you fall off the wagon (so to speak) you jump right back on the next day. So that is what I am going to do. One problem today is Halloween can I resist all the candy that my son will get? My plan is to sort the candy right away freeze what I can and take to work what can't be froze. I have gotten a demo of beach body work outs and I want to look into a couple of those to see if I can do them. Because of underlying problems with knees and back it is very difficult for me to get on the floor. I also need to add a new photo of me so that I have a before shot of me. Hope everyone has a very happy halloween! Be safe!

Friday, October 30, 2009


I am thinking on starting a new project in my life. The question is should I share this new project? If I share will it help me to stay on track and follow through? These questions and more coming up on Dana's Diet Disasters! (LOL)